Leni:"So, what did you and Bobby talk about? ", "Besides," continued Lisa, "I know Lincoln. Now, any parent would respect their child's privacy, but as a mother, Rita grew even more concerned. That means a lot. Lincoln took the bunny and started to calm down. (sniffs) Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. Mike: (snickers) "Or what? Their parents still had to pay for the damages that were done to the neighborhood. Luna tightened her grip around her pillow. Lincoln rushes over the game and Lori follows. "No, Leni, you're idea is literally terrible.". (Their parents walk away, the girls are all horrified), (The girls, who are still shocked, are on the couch). ", Lori: (slightly annoyed) "Well, excuse me for caring about my little brother! (sniffs), (Lincoln then shed tears on his face and he cries once again as he's crying into his hands. The two teenagers are having fun too, and told the siblings that they make a great team. Lincoln: Hi, Mr. McBrides. I'd wonder if we're not even family, Luna. ", Rita shrugged. Hes going through changes. Lincoln turnsaround while crossing his arms, leaving his back facing Lori. I just feel a little tired right now. LINCOLN: (enamored) Wow, that was beautiful and sweet of you guys. How could she hope to love again if her heart was heavy with sorrow? ", "What are some of your shared interests? Thoughts about just laying a kiss on her lips crossed her mind several times, but she tried to suppress this until the very end of their practice. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've been hurt worse, I probably would've had a few broken bones as well.". ", Lori: "We're not buying it. ", Lucy: "If I had to guess, he probably doesn't want us to worry. "Come on, Luna," says Lori "let's get you ready. A few minutes later we see the familysitting in the dining room eating meatloaf. link del creador: https://www.wattpad.com/user/-Vigilant-Cab-#fanfic #fanfiction #lincoln #qhps #teoria #theloudhouse #wattpad #malasuerte #loud The further they argued with each other, the more outlandish their suggestions became. She squeezed one of the guys' wrist and when the other two went at her, she grabbed them and made them headbutt each other. Lori came in and saved me from them. I mean, yeah can be bossy sometimes, but your there for us when we need you. I hope you can eventually forgive me for being such a jerk to you. (A younger Rita at an orphanage, where a worker is showing Rita multiple babies). LINCOLN: I will. RITA: We can answer that, sweetheart. Im just feeling kinda raw right now. LORI: Whoa, I've literally never seen Lincoln this sad before, girls. Rita: OK, sweetie, that sounds great. In Lori and Leni's room, the girls are all having a sibling meeting). Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. But, thanks for asking. But still, how and/or why my hair is white? "But, sis, I just thought we had a special connection.". And you're a real Loud sibling, too. A-and you want me to accept your apology?! Every time she thought about Sam, her heart beats fast like a bass drum. Years before I married your father, there was this boy that I shared a class with. Upon breaking up the hug, Lincoln whistles at his sisters, alerting them to this development. Hair and loose teeth were flying as the dust quickly gathers to obscure the brutality. Clyde: *sees her, pupils dilate* L-L-Lori? Did I do okay? Carlota is still having me try on new clothes, but no problems here. First one is Second Loud Brother. "Do you have any plans for this evening? Luna was silent. ", Lori: "Yes. ", Rita: "Did you find out what's troubling him? And it's really shocking, there's a family secret I want to tell you. Lori: Mr. McBride, Im here to see Clydethough I dont blame him if he never wants to see me again, after what I did. Was it worth it? ", Lynn Sr.: "It's alright son. Plus, you got along well with the Casagrandes, didn't you? As the day went on as they tried to get their crushes to notice them, another letter arrived in the mail, this time singling out the sisters who had brown hair. I know you miss Ronnie Anne.". ", Leni: "Did you get in trouble at school? *scoops up his comic books, leaves for his room*, Lori: *frowns as she watches Lincoln leave, doesnt get why hes so upset*, *Later that day, Lori is in her and Lenis room, reading a magazine while Leni is working on a new outfit*. Lori is on the couch, texting Bobby.*. There's never a dull moment with your family, is there? (Lincoln walk up to his sisters and hugged them, they embrace Lincoln in a sibling group hug), (They all walk downstairs and into the living room, Rita and Lynn Sr. see's this and walked in). Remember whenI took charge instead of you when mom and dad were out? Lori: *groans* I sure hope youre right, Lynn. *Back in Lori and Lenis room, Lori is fuming.*. She's doing fine. LUNA: I'll try talking to him again, you guys. (Lana and Lily both hugged Lincoln, he holds Lily and kissed her, then he rubs Lana's head and kissed her too), (After that, Lori, Lola, Lynn, Luan, and Lisa all walk into Lincoln's room). It was why he was such an excessive planner, why he felt like he had to control every situation he was in, and why he could not abide chaos, he had to be 'the man with the plan'. I still can't believe I'm actually adopted for over 11 years, all those times I've been mistreated. said Lynn. + Lincoln: Well, I've overslept after we had a fi- + Then, he got a knock on the door.). Rita: OK, sweetie, that sounds great. Guys, nothing is wrong. Luna beams a smile at Lynn. She turns the water on fully expecting hot water to erupt from the shower drain. The two are laughing. Lincoln puts suncreen on his hand and begins rubbing it on his sister's back. And it looks like he needs it now more than ever. Clyde: Wow Lynn, I dont think Ive ever seen you cry before. Are you sure you don't want a girl? Is that true? ", Leni: "So, are you over your 'Ronnie Anne' problem? Lincoln begins tocry and Lori gives her brother a comforting hug. Harold: Howie, I dont think youre helping. You should never be afraid to tell me, our sisters, or mom and dad. ", Lori: "Yes, it's sad. But only because you asked nicely". Luna fell silent again. *nosebleeds on the plate*. ", Lori: Well, can you at least put some on my back? *projectile nosebleeds onto her dress*. (Rita gives her son to Luna, she cradles him while he coo's). Youre a sweet, wonderful boy, and you dont deserve the treatment I gave you. I didn't think Ronnie Anne being away would bother me so much, but a while after they moved, I started feeling like like I'm missing someone important in my life. ", Lincoln: Of course, I'm happy for them. I mean-" (sigh) "Never mind.". I cant believe you would do that! (rubbing his head) I love his white hair. While the letter turned out to have been for their father, this inspires the Loud kids to act on their feelings. Lynn Sr.: Lincoln told us that you yelled at Clyde and then slapped him. The parents look at Lincoln and are shocked. The next morning, Lincoln woke up still happy from last night. Despite initially being nervous, her siblings convince her to go to the restaurant that night. Unfortunately for her, it was ice cold water. "Oh, I had forgotten; yesterday, I received a love letter from my locker. Rita gave a serious, but consoling glare. ", "Lunadid any of your band mates say something to hurt you?". LINCOLN: All of those theories can be true. "Lincoln please don't cry," Lori said. Come on, Hare Bear, lets show Lincoln the new cat jungle gym we got for our kitties. ", Lori: "Lincoln. We love you very much and care for you dearly. LENI: She's right, Linky. She hugs Lincoln, and he returns it. ", Luna leaned over in her bed, squeezing a pillow for comfort. "N-no! ", Lori: "No, Leni. As she was running, Rita was walking by with a basket full of clothes. ", Luna's eyes widen in realization upon coming to this simple answer. I thought that because I was the oldest, that meant I had to take charge and make sure things don't get out of control. LORI: Agreed, little bro. "I heard someone slammin' the door. Ronnie Anne and I haveseven years. Lori: "Wanna play at littleVolley Ball?". With much consideration, Luna solemnly walks over to the door, and opens it for her mother. Well, what are you gonna do about it, little man?". Worse yet, what if she assumes that it was written by someone else. "I'm sorry, Luna," says Sam in a comforting tone "maybe we can just be friends.". I have to get back to doing the chores, but talk to me when you're feeling upset again.". ", Lynn: (livid) "Where are they?! The two locked eyes with each other. Lincoln sighs in defeat. Luna lets her phone buzz until it ceased before returning to bed. Luna blows her nose deeply into it, and casually tosses it onto the bed. Bobby: "Wow. She remembered how Lincoln was having difficulties in school, so he hired a tutor, and how all of her daughters (sans Lily) were heads over heels about that man. LORI: I thought it was stress of dealing with us. He didn't like it, but making his sister happy was all that matered to him. (There was one more baby in a small corner, she walk up to the baby, and it's a familiar face with white hair, he's sucking on a pacifier). So how are things with you and your family? And you and Ronnie Anne got to see each other one more time. After staying at the beach for almost an hour, the two got dressed in their normal clothes, packed everything up, got inside Vanzillaand head to their next stop; the arcade. FB5430. A 4-year-old Lincoln enters the room with a sad look on his face. "Look, Luna, I know it's hard, but trust me, things will get better. Nothing reallyworth talking about. Lincoln puts the picture away andlays down with his face in the pillow. Things were going nuts. asked Lola. *to Lori* Im sorry again, Lori. There is silence between themfor afew seconds. The two continue to dance. Lori: Yeah, Leni helped me make it into a shirt for you. The twenty-four-year-old man was travelling in a taxi, rediscovering with a neighborhood that had not seen since five years ago, and adding that passed training in the army. Clyde: *notices this, sighs* Im sorry, Link. ", Lori: "Well, duh. He has a bored look on his face and he's justeating his meatloaf while looking down. What was once a story meant to inspire her was now an utter mockery. Since she was hanging out with a young boy and his two friends, it seemed a given that she was heads over heels for that boy. Lori just broke my heart! Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house) Lincoln: Goodbye. That sounds nice. Luna wordlessly slams the door to her shared bedroom with Luan. When Sam sees Luna walking up, she crosses her arms in disappointment. Just hearing those painful words circulating in her mind troubled her heart. Finally, she could break the ice. LENI: Good luck, Luna. Howard: Ill get it. Why can that little twerp find another girl to obsess over?! Luna lightly placed her hand on her heart, sighing whilst doing so. LORI: Don't worry, Leni, we still love him. Lynn Jr.: *comes in from the front yard, holding her baseball glove and a ball, all she hears is Loris yelling and slamming* Geez, whats with her? I'm sorry, but I'm not really in the mood to talk. ", Rita: "Maybe you also should try talking to him about it. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lynn Jr.: *sniffs* Yeah, well, if you tell anyone, Ill bat you to the moon, OK? Lynn Jr.: Oh really, Miss Im-in-Love-with-Coach-Pakowski? After a few minutes, the two get out of the water and sit on their spot. LINCOLN: (stands up on his feet) Well, I've just discovered that I have ten remarkable and amazing sisters, and the ones who are the sweetest sisters I may all know are, by giving them good personality traits are (to Lily) the young and adorable sister, (to Lisa) the smart and genius sister, (to Lola) the pretty and competitive in pagents sister , (to Lana) the tomboyish and sweet sister, (to Lucy) the poetic and kind sister, (to Lynn) the sports star sister, (to Luan) the joker and prankster sister, (to Luna) the rock and roll star sister, (to Leni) the kind and designer sister, and (to Lori) the one and only sister who would care about their younger siblings from start to finish. Luna broke her hug with Lori, and she began to run up the stairs. Lincoln's worry, doubt and anxiety had been issues he'd struggled with all of his life. ", Rita: "Oh, a little sibling bonding time? Rita grew worried from this. nice.". "Oh, Mom, I am so sorry," Luna said regrettably. And I'm grateful to have a brother like you.". Lori hugs him back comfortingly, Lincoln: "I'm so glad you came, Lori! "Why are y-you here? (Everyone gasp in complete astonishment and/or shock and they looked at Lincoln in terror), (This was too much for Lincoln as he faints, then the screen fades to black. Shout-outto EpsilonMk46 forcoming upwiththe title. *opens door to reveal Lynn Jr.*. (Leni then walk into Lincoln's room and sat next to him and Luna). He justRIPPED my heart out of my chest when I asked him out. Torn pictures of Lori are littering the floor.*. Luna tilts her head down ashamed. Thoughts of her beloved fluttered through her mind like butterfly wings. LINCOLN: Yeah. Lincoln walks his way there. Maybe you should take him out for a day. I can do it, myself! Staff Member #2: "You kids are coming with us. ", Luna defiantly shakes her head. "Okay, good, now I'll just have to", Sam interrupts her train of thought. Hopefully, it'll get him out of his funk. Lincoln looks up and puts on a small fake smile, Lincoln: "Oh, uh. A month has passed since Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away. The two stay at the arcade for an hour. "Well, I had gone through a similar predicament you had. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. I'm a little hurt and have a few bruises, but nothing's broken. She looked at her brother, and he looked back to her, before going upstairs. If you are not, that's fine, but please respect my opinions. ", Lori: "Just some places where we'll have fun together. The same place he and Lori first went on their double-date with Bobby and Ronnie Anne. LENI: Don't let that go into your mind. They notice their mother sitting at the dining room table reading a book. (Luna kissed Lincoln on his forehead and wipe the tears off his face with a tissue). Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Today is a huge day for me it's the one year anniversary of me doing Loud House Fanfictions, so I decided to release this one-shot because of it. Lori nods her head in agreement. As she walked down the street, Luna let her mind roam free. Lincoln: "Then Lana tripped and accidentally dropped her bucket of worms on Lola! Suddenly all of those sappy songs about love she had heard over the years made more sense to her. Leni: Ooh, you got middle named. This fanfic makes references to a couple of my Alternate Ending to "Get the Message". He lies right next to her and Lori puts her blanket over them. I wasn't trying to baby you. She falls asleep and the two sleep togther in each others' arms for the rest of the night. It took no time for her siblings to ask her a series of questions. YOUNGER RITA: (gasp with glee) He's perfect! Before long, hes gonna get his drivers license, and go to prom, and go off to college and we wont see him again until Christmas! We had a lot of fun. And you are a real Loud sibling. Lincoln walked downstairs, not paying attention, heck not even noticing when Lynn pantsed him and him walking out of his pants. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. Lynn Sr.: Lincoln already admitted that he called you that word, and hes apologized for it. They got their accomplish their plan from the lack of . Alright, I'll do it. ", Sam turned her glance to the rock star. Lori: Since Im going to the McBrides house to apologize to Clyde, theyve lifted my grounding. Lori: Well, I DID also yell at Clyde and tell him I never wanted to see him again and slap him on the cheek. "Oh boy this new episode is a great episode," Lincoln said. "But what if there were two other sisters?" The . If you want, I can take a break from homework to help you make some new snacks. So, I better go. ", Lincoln: "Yeah. "I don't know why but I think nothing can destroy this joyful mood of mine," Lincoln said. yes, emotional Lincoln again yeah. First we'll go to the beach, then we'll go to the arcade, then we'll have lunch, and finally, we'll see a movie. BACK TO THE PRESENT (Lincoln is initially horrified at this truth, Luna tries reaching to him, but he pushes her and run upstairs to his room, completely appalled) LORI: Lincoln, wait! ", Lori smiles at Lincoln. He's only 9 months old and I think you'll love him. Rita gasps just like Leni did. Lincoln: (annoyed) "I'm not a baby, Lori! Now we won't be able to see each other for a long time.". *leaves, disgusted*, Lori: *blinks, looks at the dress, is starting to think about what Lynn Jr. said*, *At McBride house, the McBrides and Lincoln have just finished their pizza and are enjoying ice cream sundaes for dessert.*. From the other side of the door, Luna could be heard visibly crying. *gives him the bag* I know this doesnt make up for what I did, but I still want you to have this. Clyde is lucky he has a best friend like you to check on him. Lincoln: *goes inside* Im really sorry for what happened at my house. Trust me, if she likes you back, she wouldn't want you to worry about this silly thing. ", Lori: "About Lincoln. "Are you going to start dating her?" The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln begins to walk out the dining room. I'll say. Without a word, Luna steps aside, allowing her mother to come in. Lori looks sad, but Lincoln looks at her with a smile. RITA: It's true, sweetie. After five minutes, Lincoln looks up to Lori who has a sympathetic smile on her face. Lori looks at her sleeping brother with a smile and kisses his forehead, just like she did on that night 7 years ago. Lincoln and Lori walk downstairs. Rita rushes to Lincoln an kneels down to him. The staff members look atthe teensand they grab them. Long story short.Lincoln is placed in the hospital and Lori's bond with her siblings and parents is broken. Hello everyone it's me, MuppetSpot. Lincoln and Luna were about to pull their siblings off each other, when an idea struck Lincoln. The coldness in Luna's tone sent shivers down Lincoln's spine. Lincoln walks upstairs to his room, leaving his family in the dining room. Let's put some sunscreen on. He has white hair and he doesn't have a name. They were mad about the football incident because they made a bet and they lost 50 dollars and they blamed me for it and, and-", Lori: (comfortingly)"Shhh. LUCY: You ungrateful twerp. The sisters look at Lincoln and notice the bruises on him. Leni: Ill tell you what my issue is; MY OLDER SISTER IS A TOTAL MONSTER! First published Jun 12, 2017. *hugs her, notices something* Hey, Im not nosebleeding all over you. As the day went on as they tried to get their crushes to notice them, another letter arrived in the mail, this time singling out the sisters who had brown hair. Lori: SHUT. LINCOLN: Sorry, I push you Luna. You costed us that money, and now, we're gonna make you pay!". I mean, I'm not really sure why. The Loud House: Lincoln Homecoming (English) Chapter 1: Coming Home, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The road was a great stillness. Because Lisa Loud wasn't just a stoic, sciency girl who loved to experiment without emotions (or was the emotionless trait Lucy again? LYNN: Totally, Linc. Just then, he hears a knock on his door. (Luna leaves Lori's room and goes to Lincoln's, she knocked on his door; In his room, he's depressed and/or miserable at this revelation), (Luna came into Lincoln's room and sat next to him). Because Luna wasn't seeing where she was going, she nearly collides with her mother. ", "Where are you going with this, Lincoln? I dont care if youre going through changes. Clyde is sitting on his bed, holding an icepack on the cheek Lori slapped, whimpering sadly. Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? ); she was a caring little sister and a good-hearted girl deep down inside. Lori then pushes Mike back causing him to fall down. Lisa calms Lincoln down after a brief spat. Luna and Lincoln both sighed in disbelief. Lincoln sobbed a bit, then pulled Lisa into a very tight hug. "Oh, it's just Sam calling me." It's not my fault you guys decided to wager money!". (As she punched him in the side) Lincoln: (In pain and fear) P-please Lynn I-I gotta get to the exam! I wish we could've hung out a little more. Shutting the front door, Lincoln, tears in his eyes, bolted to his room, passing some of his sisters, who all asked him what is going on.