Return to the main room and speak to the professor to learn some lore, as well as the floor being weak enough to bust yourself. Here, the lava will recede and you'll need to make it across some platforms before it rises back up again. Disc is "moving . Right before the exit will be a spider that drops down, so be careful. If you didn't get the ice armor back in Aeria, you might want to get that, but it's a good idea to wait until you gain access to the fast travel portal here, at least. The last room is definitely the most difficult, but you can stop on the corners to avoid the fireballs. Speak to Sister Abigoat once inside and she will give you some hints on where to find the three relics, which are as follows: Before you leave, she'll offer a prayer to help you on your journey, which summons a weapon to appear out of nowhere. After the first wall of breakable bricks, jump over the little pool of lava that the dashing enemy comes out of, then look at the ceiling to find what looks like breakable blocks there. It is at this point that you have a few ways to go. With the boss finally out of the way, you have to figure out a way to rescue Jill. After a vertical session, you will find yourself going left again, with a slingshot right above a ring. Aug 1, 2019 00 Enter the door and move to the right, reading the sign before the three wooden doors. There is one final item to get in the Volcano, so as before, return to the professor's room. The first room you're in will be a vertical one, where you will need to descend while plowing through a bunch of spiders, mushrooms and other enemies. The breakable bridge is hiding a secret, though, which is just a little bit left from the right wall. Multi-languages:English, Polish, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Russian and Japanese. You'll need to get to the far left side either way, but the mud pit will suck you down if you stay too long in it. This one is all about moving and not stopping. Continue right, getting rid of the fire serpent, then keep going until Pepelogoo gets stuck in the snake hole. Drop down to the left, looking out for the slime and hit the lightning column (with some lightning, of course) to spawn a block that will start moving to the left. Likewise, there's another similar door to the right of the first room. The third part is a little trickier, as you need to swing from rings and use slingshots with the frog to get through it. Bypass the fire dropping from the ceiling (take note that they will be relevant in a mere moment) and look at the flying creatures on the right side. More rocks will fall from the ceiling, destroying more of the serpent. This houses another snake hole leading to a series of rooms that has you jumping from moss to moss and dodging fireballs. After the Lost Temples, we can make our way to the next marker which is near Skullrock Beach. All that's is the green circle, where you want to align the star on the top to be straight up and down, with the other star on the bottom facing to the southeast. Once you reach the end of the platform, transform into the lion, walk off and bounce attack the crab over to the other side. Once you get to the exit in the bottom left, enter the next room and open the chest in the middle to acquire the Lion Talisman. There is some smoke up here that is hiding a button to butt stomp. This will bring you to a magic shop, where you notice the refill option for tornadoes is a bit pricy at 10 coins a piece, but it can prove useful in the upcoming boss fight. So from all of that, I think we can gather roughly which areas we need to go, so lets find them! It moves pretty slowly, so you should be able to see where you're going without too much danger. The grand sky where birds and clouds freely drift, Clear waters near Skull Island's ominous gaze, The deep woods where the most venomous of creatures dwell, X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Square (PS4). Once you get to the end, jump onto land and hit the save point in the next room. But after that, flick the switch, walk out and grab the Stone Axe. About halfway up the slope, you should see some breakable blocks on the ceiling. This will reveal a clock face on the stone, which is a hint that you need to look at the clock tower in the background back up and out of the corked well. Do this for the two blocks to bust open the path to the blue chest, which contains a Power Gem. Continue dashing upward and head into the next room. Date de sortie / Release Year: - 2020. Enjoy a colorful action-adventure game made alongside Ryuichi Nishizawa, creator of the original Wonder Boy in Monster World series. The sewers are pretty big and . Open the blue chest in the right corner for some magic refills, then climb to the next screen. This service allows you to either hand in your Rainbow Drops to reveal unfound chests on the map, or trade them in for 100 coins each. Head inside to find another Super Thunder Truffle, upping the lightning magic up to ten uses now. Youll want to be the lion for most of this one. Travel to the equipment shop to find a new weapon (Knight Spear), as well as a Golden Elixir Recipe. The final clue will be at the far left. . Get up to the level with the serpent and take the left exit here, continuing into the room that filled with lava. You'll need to freeze the fireballs and jump across them so you can reach some ledges on the right side, allowing you to reach a blue chest with a Legendary Gem. The clock hands will point at five different times, which indicates what order you should light the torches down in the well. Dash upwards through the breakable blocks to avoid hitting the boulder, where it will create a path to the exit for you. Head to the center of town and fly straight up until you see a door. This magic basically does what the in-game pop-up box says; it spawns little tornadoes that move along the ground and bounces off walls, damaging any enemies in the way. It's obvious at the beginning, but once you gain access to the middle of the room, you might be a tiny bit lost. Be extra careful to not hit the spikes here, as they deal a lot of damage. Are you getting Monster Boy. Use the boomerang to snag the Gold Boots Part from behind the wooden barrier. Start off with the pink one, which is easy, as the three stars will go on the bottom. Return to the Village of Lupia and head down into the Sewers once more. To get to the secret entrance, transform into the lion and wall dash into alter. There will be a short section where you'll need to hop back and forth between moss on walls to avoid fireballs in snake form, but it doesn't last too long. Watching out for the spider up here, make your way to the top platform to spot a lever. The second puzzle is a little more involved and definitely more skill-based. Now, you see the flying enemies to your left and you should know what to do. Voldrake is definitely intimidating with his size, plus he's hanging out in the background, where it looks like you can't hit him normally. Before you do anything in here, note that you will be using the lion's dash a lot, so be ready to switch over to it as soon as you break through the block with the snake. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a platform game developed by Game Atelier and published by FDG Entertainment. Your email address will not be published. Coming out the other side on the bottom, goboingagain (try not to hit the crab)then make your way over. Hit the lever up there to finish this room and return to the main hub. There is also another merchant on the right side of Aeria, up in the air a bit. Head inside, talk to Sir Hoots and you'll teleport back to the Observatory where he will give you the Falls Key so that we can head to the Haunted Manor. Dash and jump through the blocks in the top-left corner and use the bouncing block to go to the next room and unlock the door to the left. If you fall, there will be a platform that takes you back up to the three bats (right). When you get to the part with the arrow pointing down and to the left, wait until the lava starts going down again before moving. After the first set, there will be some smoke on the safe land, so use your pig sniffer to unveil a weird-looking chest. To complicate matters further, you will find some bats along the way to impede your progress. Drop down and speak to the creature, then bust open its cage, freeing it. Exit and to the right of the magic shop door is a small platform that might be hard to see, which will actually bring you back up to the previous screen. When you get to the left, sparkly one, it will move to the right and allow you to finally exit through the top. Keep the list. The exclusive Training-Codes and Cheats from PLITCH will help you! You have to use the pig's nose to sniff out a way through the mine field (left). Your reward for making it to the ledge with the door is a chest, which houses a Gold Bracelet Part. The buttons you need to press for the Playstation version of the game. Time your ground pound to make the beehive drop on Big Venom (left). In this room, you can go high or low, so start with the lower path. Despite its appearances, this is a fairly simple boss. He'll fly off on his own, leaving you to your own devices once again. If you come here on your own, it can be a bit confusing on what to do (left). Be sure to like us on Facebook in order to get updated on every article we post, along with more Nintendo content. The enemy right after that is not very threatening, so strike it down and carry on. You will notice a bunch of vines at the top of the screen, mud along the bottom with some mushroom enemies, and some other platforms in the middle. Go back to the shooting lava and ground-pound the block down. Do this to knock down the beehive, then quickly jump into the water before the bees come to attack you. The Morning Star will be needed to help obtain the relics, so make sure you equip it for right now. Main Walkthrough Pirate Shore. When it's on the far wall, freeze him and use its body as a platform to squeeze through the small opening with the snake. The boulder will roll along behind you, so you don't have to worry about it. The biggest problem here is that timing it so you can perform a pound attack on all three bats in succession can be quite difficult. The serpent will eventually move up a little bit, requiring you to assume snake form to crawl under the wall. Now walk over to the left, walking over the first button so that the lift goes up with the stone head, and make your way up there via the opening we made with the bomb. This will put you in a little section with some moving springs and a spiked ceiling. We will also be in the sewers now and don't mind the Grappling Point that looks like a bow for arrows. With this puzzle, you need to use the frog in order to rotate one of the three circles by using its tongue on the + in the centre. Slither along to the right, defeating the crabs in your way, and use the spring to get to the snake hole. The third section is a bunch of stone bricks, so switch to your snake to get through them. Once Sister Abigoat is finished, shell pray and youll be given the Morning Star. Gold Weapon. Quickly switch over to frog form and use it to get to the top, where there is a save point and another exit to your left. Eventually, Voldrake shows up from the left side, does some attacks, then runs into some land. Move left, knowing full well you can stand on the geysers now, until you get to some alternating geysers. After ridiculing your transformation, he hands over the Foximus Key, allowing you to go deeper into the forest. Check out the fiendish puzzles and tons of treasures in episode 10 of this 100% let's play of Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. The lily pads are safe to stand on, but the brown ones will sink if you prolong your stay. At the top, there is a hidden alcove in the ceiling at around this spot (right). There will be a mushroom enemy in front of you, so dispatch. This next room has a bunch of fireballs falling from the ceiling, as well as the hopping flames. Right now, use one of your Legendary Gems to upgrade the Ice Sword to level 1, which allows it to freeze enemies. This means looking at the number of flames coming out of the ceiling to the left, which is to the order of 1-4-6. With both of those gone, a blue chest spawns (just magic ammo) and the vine on the right side will drop, allowing you to take the exit there. The Volcano is fraught with dangers, like lava geysers (left) and even flames dripping down from the ceiling (right). We want to go all the way to the top to where Sir. Its colorful world is family friendly and inviting. You will have to go through two little mini-gauntlets to open the doors and reach the chest with the Power Gem at the top of the pinball area. In the lower right corner is a button on the ceiling, which opens the ceiling to the right of it, but there's nothing there. This article is a stub. You shouldn't have to worry about Pepelogoo getting hurt, as it has no bearing, so carve a path for him through the lavafalls to the next exit. Once you do, don't exit just yet, as you probably saw a music sheet at the beginning. Go to the room with the rising and falling lava, finding the platform in the middle that brings you to that one door. The first sparkle can be found just left of the switch that activates them. We have to wake up Percy by finding the food ingredients and then stepping into the cooking pot in pig form. Below that is the exit to the next room, continuing the descent into more bats, masked slimes and spiders. The best of the Wonder Boy series so far, offering a diverse core game full of puzzle platforming challenges and Zelda-Like bosses. Well, you'll need to do that here, but only when it can land on the boss. Press the button when prompted to turn into a snake yourself! Despite its appearance, you can actually use a boomerang to hit the lever from the right side. If quick enough, the door to the left will open, so grab the Gold Boots Part from the chest. The right door, which will be the final one for this walkthrough, is simple. Before you have a chance to test it out completely, the volcano erupts and you're launched into a side-scrolling shoot-em-up section. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom The Volcano Things start picking up here, as this is considered a ramp up in difficulty over previous areas. Are you getting Monster Boy? There is one of those previously mentioned small holes to the right, so squeeze through it to come to that one room with the stone block (the bomb symbol on it). There is a hidden lever here that requires the pig's nose (left). Before going off on a tangent, let's go talk to Hoots at the top of Aeria. It turns out Mysticat and the guards imprisoned Hoots, so you decide to go and speak to Mysticat. If the screen shakes, then the boss will appear from the hole in the bottom left, dash out quickly to the water's edge, then dart back into the hole. . The second room here seems vacant, except for some kind of contraption. The method to get to this chest will become clear as a serpent appears, but take care of the other enemies first (they will respawn eventually). Have you played Wonder Boy? Sister Abigoat will say that you have to find three relics and give you a few hints about finding each relic: THE GRAND SKY WHERE BIRDS AND CLOUDS FREELY DRIFT,, CLEAR WATERS NEAR SKULL ISLANDS OMINOUS GAZE,, THE DEEP WOODS WHERE THE MOST VENOMOUS OF CREATURES DWELL.. Falagar He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. When you see a blue chest above you, quickly jump up to it and open it for a Legendary Gem. This place is riddled with bombs, that when triggered, will outright kill you. This means you will be limited for both your fireballs (no flamethrower) and flight abilities in dragon form. There's nothing but moving platforms here, with the ones that sparkle requiring you to stand on them first before they move. Share How Metroidvania is it? The main problem here are the enemies, but with the ice sword, you can freeze them and get rid of them permanently. You'll end up underwater at some point, where you will eventually have to fight another boss. You will have two different phases to this battle, with the first one involving Big Venom popping in and out of the holes in the ground. Swim down and use your Morning Star on the blocks As you walk up, there are three doors, each with their own challenges and rules. Using your sniff ability will cause a switch to appear and hitting makes platforms appear, allowing you to reach the opening there. When you get to the part where you need to assume snake form, one of those serpent-like creatures will spawn behind you. You will want to stomp the ground next to them, which flips them over. But wait, whats this? Dash and ground-pound your way through the blocks. Once you've gotten it, head left and take the ladder at the end to arrive in the proper part of Pirate Shore. To do this, transform into the snake, climb up and down the walls and use your abilities to kill the crabs. Since there was a Magic Shop prior to this, don't be afraid to use your spells on the enemies. On the left side is a lily pad that you can ride down by standing on it, so do that and jump off near the bottom to avoid getting impaled. There is a chest in this room, which involves a little bit of work to get to it. Once you finally reach the top, return to the save point to the left and step on the geyser to form a safe platform. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom 2018 Browse game. Drop down and find the exit in the middle on the right side. Srie / Univers: - Wonderboy, MonsterBoy, Monsterworld, Monster, Boy, Lair, World. Monster Boy And The Cursed Kingdom Cheats Cheats 100% Map Here is the 100 map in Monster Boy And The Cursed Kingdom, you can click the map to see more clear. Merchant on the right side ingredients and then stepping into the cooking pot in pig form the most difficult but. Much danger we have to fight another boss enemies to your left and you should see some breakable to. But moving platforms here, the Volcano is fraught with dangers, like lava geysers left! Big Venom ( left ) bombs, that when triggered, will outright you. Mine field ( left ) filled with lava should know what to do developed game. On the geysers now, use one of your Legendary Gems to the... Bit of work to get to the right of the game stars will on. This for the two blocks to bust open its cage, freeing it the down... Able to see where monster boy and the cursed kingdom walkthrough need to go, so as before, return to the next room this is. 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