Its a shame we dont put to death adulterous men like they did in the Old Testament, then Cindy wouldnt have to go through a divorce, she would be a widow and could remarry on her own accord. Never fear Morris, jus kiddin ya, ya dingwilly wobbler Have you always been like this, did they get you young like they got me? Theres no excuse for that, and no amount of gods grace or forgiveness gets him off the hook. Which God do we actually serve? IBF huh? Phil Schaap Net Worth. Schapp's wife, Cindy, is the daughter of the late founder of the church, Rev. For those who have been abused, if they werent bitter Id wonder if they were truly in touch with their own emotions. If you truly received the knowledge of the truth, then there remains no more sacrifice for your sins. At the center of this huge church was its pastor, Jack Hyles. or debate this issue live on our message boards. I am an expert on the IFB church movement. So yes she is to blame and he is to blame. She told her husband when he came home from work. Pray for the family and pray for the victims in this. The two spoke on the phone or texted each other more than 600 times, according to prosecutors. ALL YOU CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL (LIKE KEVIN & ETC. REally?? Convicted felon Jack Schaap was once the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN. Miles class action lawsuit alleges that she was sexually assaulted beginning at age 13, that at least 10 others have credibly accused D. Hyles of using his position of power to sexually prey on them, and that First Baptist and the College staff members were aware of his reprehensible conduct for years and remained silent (Class Action Sex Abuse Case,Ministry Watch, Dec. 7, 2020). I suspect Ive attended and preached at a lot more IFB churches than you have. I was married to a Pastors Daughter for nearly seven years. You told me that I was sent to you from God; I was his gift to you., 2) Schaaps claim that Christ wanted the two to be together. If he's convinced a parole board that he's reformed enough to be out of prison after committing the felonious acts he has, then he's in line for an academy award. LGBTG community in there church there nothing wrong about gay people at all if gay people want to join a Baptist church without being denied. In a new court filing, he says he was stressed out and depressed at the time that the month-long relationship started. The texts read as follows: "Please consider the following Bible commentary and commandments related to sexual assault. If someone knows to do good and does not do it then they have SINNED. Just sayin! Typically, mega-churches have more than 2,000 members or regular attendees, with several areas to listen to sermons, often with one or more pastors speaking during a Sunday service. Who has done the cover up? Not your pastor. Well, I am an atheist, so I worship neither your God or government. Should a Monument to Anthony Wayne be Erected in Defiance, Ohio? I am so glad she is divorced from that cad. Later this week, I plan to write a post about marriage and divorce and how IFB churches handle divorce. Why come at them with an accusing tone and shut down conversation? The bible teaches you to hate gays, but also teaches that homosexuality is fine. A truth, by the way, that is considered by many Christians to be a misunderstanding of the text. Now, if she can divorce herself from that whole cultish hell Oh, I hope she can. All men do. The pastor has received his fair share of criticism over the years due to some of his more controversial teachings. Schaap pleaded. Blame and shame go deep and people say ridiculous things, juju, to keep their lids down tight so that they dont have to face the truth. And why is it that often such practices are only admitted by these authoritarian Fundamentalist churches, once these evils are exposed? What exactly is extreme sex drive? His actions speak for themselves. Jack Schaap was born on 10/01/1957 and is 65 years old. No comments have so far been submitted. You obviously have joined into the sconer realm. The book was described as the successful formula of Dave Hyles and was advertised by the Sword as double success! (on the back cover ofLets Baptize More Converts). Bro. Bruce was up to his neck in this for decades, pastoring numerous churches. He wants us to marry + become eternal lovers!, 3) Schaaps cover stories for his numerous rendezvous with the teen. This recently released document reveals the evidence that will put him away. The same women, no doubt, who have been raising their voices to share their rightful hurt after watching Modest is Hottest and seeing it warmly received by many of their fellow Christians. The relationship lasted from June 1, 2012 to July 30, 2012, during which he traveled with her from Indiana to Illinois to Michigan, 'with the intent that she engage in sexual activity', according to the Chicago Tribune. Potiphars wife REPORTED the attempt the SAME DAY. You gossiping Jezebel. Almighty and everlasting humanity will thrust you into eternal suffering, the final judgement deemed worthy for your Doublespeak Love. Simple. Get down on your knees and repent now. Go to the police immediately to report a Crime! Hmmm, something happened in your life! You are a very sad and bitter old man. As most of you have seen, I had planned to lead a peaceful gathering of survivors at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, CA. This Wednesday, we will hear the sentencing of disgraced pastor Jack Schaap, who has pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage girl who attended his church. Whats wrong with being bitter tim? That year, Dave organized the Teenage Soul Winning program. Investigators later recovered photos taken inside the cabin showing a grinning Schaap on a couch in an intimate pose with the girl and also french-kissing [her] while touching her in a sexual manner.. In 1976, Daves bookSuccessful Church Youth Workwas published by the Sword of the Lord. But marriage becomes Til death do us part after that. I know a lot of my fellow Bible College students would have loved to receive the grace that some preachers I know get. Many other women, teenage girls, and even children have been the target of sexual predators at First Baptist, including those polluted by Hyles son, Dave, when he was a youth leader at First Baptist, beginning in 1969 when he was 16 years old. Currently, Jack is married. She writes the book A Wifes Purpose and then divorces Jack when she said she would always stand by him. Like all Evangelical zealots, he fails to understand that the Bible has no power/authority over people who do not believe it is some sort of divine text or magic book. Not sin according to me or you or any other man but according to our Creator, and I accepted the payment that was made for my sins by Jesus when he shed his perfect blood for me. This memorandum will be instrumental in determining the pastors sentence. . Oh yes she is. The following is a transcription of Part 3 of my interview with survivor Rachel Peach. Yet more evidence of the totally inconsistent and, much of the time, incomprehensible nature of the bible. I do know he was in sin, and it doesnt appear he had remorse for it. This genius has strung a bunch of Bible verses together, using them to threaten me with God, judgment, and Hell. As I mentioned in the first point, I don't wish to give others the opportunity to say that this is a full-fledged attack on the Christian religion in it's entirety. Current location of the inmate is Ashland, Kentucky. My reason for cancelling comes from that same place. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. He was one that taught that not even adultery was cause for divorce. I hope you will really think hard about this question. Somebody tell Jesus to get off the throne already. One, for his trips to an Illinois forest preserve, was that he needed to spend time with God walking and praying. To explain his taking the girl alone to his Michigan cabin, he told his assistant that he needed to spend extended periods of time alone with the girl to save herboth literally and spirtually. It was his OWN fault for having sex with another woman (especially a teenager) but where was Cindy when he was counselling this girl? No, a lifetime of study and work makes me an expert. Other IFB Christians and pastors think differently. Jack shapps victim was underage, and he was way older and in a major spiritual position of influence as her pastor, and he took advantage of her. Very sorry to hear all this mess. Shaming and blaming are not necessary but far more a part of Baptist churches hmm, I wonder if repressing bitterness and other human feelings releases the need to shame and blame. Never alone with females, period. Jack's relationship status is married. If youd said glad Id have agreed. She didnt try to find out if he needed spiritual counselling, etc? A coat. Was it how she dressed, In places in the Middle East women and girls are raped all the time, and they have to wear burquas. Jack schaap was a total pervert long before he messed around with this underage kid, just look at his sermon about on the polished shaft, and read his books on marrige, pretty blasphemous stuff of a sexual nature. If I were going to that church, I would not stop going to church just because of some bad people. Divorce is allowed in the Bible in cases of infidelity. Copyright 2023 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser Powered by Flywheel, UPDATED: IFB Pastor Bill Wininger Outed as Sexual Predator, Earth 6,000 Years Old, but Once in a 100,000 Years Solar Event Sign of Gods Judgment, Let Us Prey: Big Trouble at First Baptist Church, read the letters Schaap sent to his victim here, How to Become an IFB Pastor, Start a Church, and Other Sundry Thoughts. Thie post is old, but I will ask anyway. The Bible is clear that divorce is permitted for adultery. Not one of these things are true, and I dont want to give people the chance to say that they are. Take your self-righteous blood stained robed Christian purity and stand in front of a mirror. Did they get a divorce? So Mary committed adultery with the Holy Ghost. Each one insists it is right, and only it. I would ask you to make a correction on this moot point you have made. *sigh*. #3. Cavanaugh's bio on Bethel Baptist's website reads: "Since graduating from Providence Baptist College in 2009, Bro Cavanaugh has served in several different ministries including: traveling with Dr. Dennis Corle and Revival Fires, starting a church in Nigeria with Missionary Mark Holmes, and traveling and serving as Camp Evangelist at Cedar River Baptist Camp. 'We were known for our happy marriage, and it was not a hypocrisy; it was real,' Jack Schaaps wife, Cindy, said in a letter. or debate this issue live on our message boards. When I asked you if it was wrong, you said, No, the girl said in a statement. I reject salvation unconditionally. You can download these past questions from our site! Joseph RESISTED 3. The so-called exception clause is absent in the passages on divorce in Mark and Luke. 0 . Subscribe for free today! Potiphar Went to the POLICE! So his opinion is hardly one to be dismissed lightly. Its sad when divorce happens. First Baptist was ground zero for the promotion of the damnable practices of Quick Prayerism and Big-Manism and Big-Numberism and Diotrephesism (blind, unquestioning loyalty to a pastor). According to a document sent to me today, on May 28, 2014, Cindy Schaap was granted a divorce from Jack Schaap. Talk about sin its sin on all sides. I am not. Sincerely, I can say that the motivation behind the event was a positive one. Concise. When will people stop saying look at what the bible says? Im still a very active member of my church, in fact I work on staff as a full time secretary. And ask your God to forgive you. Divorce is not forbidden, actually scripture makes parameters of when divorce is acceptable and one includes adultery. Sitting across from you in a session, I would ask you why you are so quick to jump to the bitterness conclusion. Is this prison thing a comment on marriage??? He is married to Leah, and they have three boys Marcus, James and Nicholas." So, please show me where I have said one lie about IFB churches. Should be fired or resign fron being pastor at fbc hammond. I have been accused of attacking the Church at large, as well as Christianity and local churches broadly. Jack Schaap's Sexual Misconduct CONTINUES Behind Bars Eric Skwarczynski Jun 22, 2020 "In 2013 - the year after [Schaap] was sentenced by Judge Lozano - Defendant admitted putting his 'hand under [the] jacket and in the crotch area of a female visitor,' for which he was disciplined." It has been shared and developed by well-intentioned Christian authors. Jack Schaap, Hyles' son-in-law, succeeded as pastor after Hyles' death in 2001 and served as pastor until July 2012." Last year First Baptist Church celebrated the 10th anniversary of Jack Schaap's ministry there. But if you can find the patience within yourself, please hear me out, I won't be long. When churches take the high moral ground, shouldnt their failings be exposed? 7. 502-6193752. Are you a Christian psychologist? Marriage by Contract signing is permitted divorcement. Having a better understanding of what went down there now than then, I am happy for Cindy. 8 For Jesuss application in the NT. I pray for her and the rest of the Schaap family that they can reach peace and retain their faith. Reading comprehension not high on your skillset, Dskills etc,? 1. After all, dont they have the Holy Spirit living in them? ! ITS GOT ME TOO! Well the new pastor of fbc hammond Indiana preach on gay are evil and wrong and a pastor should never judge no one only god can judge so i think pastor john wikerson. Do you have empirical evidence for your claim that Jack Schaap, Jack Hyles (David Hyles, Bob Gray?)