Summary: No summary provided. Author: Sestra_Prior Author: keikokin Its unexpected to say the least. Wizards Dont Get Mad, They Get Even* No HBP. Author: Vox Furiae Cast Down Author: Daisee Chain Warnings: non con, torture, enslavement, bondage Summary: The War is over, Voldemort is dead and the Light has lost. Author: Lomonaaeren Author: Slashpervert and Aveeno baby Author: ms_anthrophy Rating: PG-13 Summary: All good things come to those who wait. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry runs away from home, but his mate follows him, determined to save his love. Warnings: coercion, wartime AU Summary: Lucius has his own interpretation of the classics. He thinks. Author: Immortality22 Summary: A caged bird will sing, if only to save his spirit. Warnings: dubcon, Dumbledore/Severus (implied) Rating: NC-17 Warnings: OOC, violence Warnings: prostitution, mild voyeurism, BDSM Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus My Rose in the Grey of Your Victory Author: Nymphadora/JsPrincess Harry Potter: Made For Each Other Warnings: violence, mpreg Montagues Law* Magnanimity* Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius thinks Harry needs a little discipline. Author: sine_que_non767 Author: andx06s My own demented, twisted take on Sleeping Beauty Harry Potter style. Author: knightmare Summary: Junk rooms or jail cells? Fallen Summary: Lucius and Snape sing to Harry. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, AU Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Avery, implied Harry/Severus, Harry/Bellatrix, Lucius/Other Warnings: mpreg, character death But when Voldemort is gone is the sacrifice something they can live with? Rating: NC-17 Warnings: EWE Summary: No summary provided. Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Rating: NC-17 Warnings: crack!fic Author: RainisFalling13 Not So Lonely This Christmas Prisonnier de Guerre* So, the Minister for Magic says he lives with a wealthy family, but the father only agrees if he marries his. Summary: Harry and Lucius chase each others darkness away. Rating: PG-13 Summary:Lucius Malfoy is out for a drink and a quick lay but when his one night stand is Harry Potter and it is he who if left the next morning will an one night stand turn into a challenge? Warnings: AU, veela, mpreg, bonding Author: Neichan Rating: R Author: Lomonaaeren Rating: NC-17 Summary: Even a brief stay in Azkaban for Harry will be disastrous. Author: Hijja Summary: They think I love them, and that I dont know their affection is conditional. Author: Skye He was taken from Lucius after the death of the Potters; the separation confused the father-son bond making it think its really a soul bond. Summary: In private, Lucius and Harry tend towards mutual provocation. Banishing the Gag Sequel: Thank You Draco Rating: R Author: RavynFayre Hope Gone* Rating: R His footsteps had again led him right into his own personal Room of Requirement: Snapes office. Author: purple mangosteen Author: sepulchrecas Warnings: underage, non magic AU, non con, character death, violence Author: Lux Summary: First the Fates weighted Harry Potter with adversity, then they gifted him with power. Warnings: mpreg, slavery Seeing Red To Feel* Lucius unwittingly creates a new tradition in the Malfoy household at Christmas. Rating: R Pavo Cristatus Do you think they said thank you? Rating: NC-17 Not Only In His Dreams Warning: character death, threesome, het, multiple Summary: After tiring of using Draco and a Polyjuice Potion, Lucius finally gets his hands on the real Harry Just once before he hands him over. Summary:In the rain what started a life ended it. Summary: Harrys dreams have led him to the one place hed hoped to never see again. Author: megyal Rating: NC-17 So he suggests to hire him as DADA professor. Rating: NC-17 Pairings:Harry/Lucius/Severus Author: lastcrazyhorn Author: theladyinred Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, violence, creature!fic, character bashing, mentions of non con, D/s, veela!fic Author: Anne Phoenix Author:llinwood Warnings: underage, PWP Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus(/Other), Severus/Lucius, implied Lucius/Narcissa Author: Lomonaaeren A New Name Vicious Dream Body and Mind* Will there ever be anything more between them? Nightmare on Privet Drive Warnings:BDSM Warnings: non con, dubcon, D/s, violence, slavery, torture, punishment Rating: R Summary: Forced to attend yet another Ministry party, Harry decides to drink his way through it. Warnings: dark!Harry, character bashing Author: softlysweetly Author: Speedy Tomato Rating: NC-17 Redemption Summary: No summary provided. Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Rating: NC-17 Warnings: references to slavery Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Harry falls for the wrong Malfoy can he rectify his mistake? Rating: R I do not endorse any specific themes listed below, and I am not responsible for offended sensibilities. Summary: No summary provided. A New Order Rating: R Summary: Harry wakes up in captivity, and the last thing he remembers is that he killed Voldemort. Can Draco find a way to unite Harry with another who cant see that there are some things worth living for? Author: thorinsmistress Warnings: non con, underage, violence Author: keikokin Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco Author: Firesword One day. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Fenrir, Harry/Severus Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 And for one meeting, Harry would really like to pay attention to the agenda, not a certain someones length of wood. Summary:The International Confederation of Wizards has ruled that all persons under the age of 17 shall marry into a pureblood family if they desire to remain in the wizarding world. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: character death, darkfic Warnings: non con, torture, BDSM, het, bestiality Lucius caught Hermione's eye and she felt a moment of panic as he flexed his left arm. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Dont look for anything too serious here; its all about the smut. Author: DictionaryWrites Author: Vorabiza Rating: PG Summary: A squicky fate awaits our heroes after their defeat. Summary: If you read this before, try it again. Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others, Draco/Others Summary:Harry was straight or so he thought, but after a passionate kiss with Lucius Malfoy, will Harry be tempted into a relationship with the man? Cat and Mouse Inspired by a request on LJ. Warnings: mpreg, non con, OOC The Beginning of The End Thanks to Lucius Malfoy. Summary: In the corner of the pleasure district lies a store that can heal you. Paradise Lost* Warnings: Snarry centric, het, non con, dub con, multiple partners, violence, various forms of torture, forced sex change and pregnancy, bondage, humiliation, various kinks and squicks Warnings: major character death Under New Authority harry potter marries narcissa malfoy fanfiction. Hey, they never said it was a good plan. Warnings: parody, OOC Author: keikokin A Sons Wish Author: Rachel What You Wish For*, part 1 of the What series Author: Undertaker Darling Summary:Try again. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary: Anti Lucius/Harry. He didnt want to burden his family, now free of the darkness of his decisions, and he wouldnt be welcomed by a world he had done such harm to. Loves Desperate Adventure Warnings: non con Rating: R Author: Minxie Cest La Vie* When the new Minister is eviler than Voldemort, will Harry remain a saint in dark times, or will he follow the advice of John Milton and reign in Hell, rather than serve in Heaven? Rating: NC-17 To Love a Malfoy Summary: Challange by Vincent Ayuru Ekholm, An abused damaged boy finds the ability to escape his life by shape changing. Your email address will not be published. Warnings: dubcon, BDSM, verbal humiliation Rating: NC-17 A Life Twice Lived Vignette Summary: When Harry sneaks into Hogwarts nether regions to spy on a visiting Lucius Malfoy, he has no idea what hes getting himself into. Royal Flush Potters Side Rating: PG Pet Author:Spring Witch Author: JBankai89 12 Days of Christmas* Rating: PG Author: Silent Auror Summary: No summary provided. In the Blood of the Traitor (Theyll Find Freedom)* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Draco, Snape/Lucius Her twin was a seventeen-year-old boy with straight dark brown hair, almost black, and silver-blue eyes. Excidium Author: amethystangel Rating: R But with Lucius Malfoy now working for the side of light and Draco living with the Order, that might be more complicated than Harry ever imagined. Caring For the Boy Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Author: emarwood Rating: NC-17 Author: potion_lady Author: ladycat777 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: LinW A Death Eater In the House Author: Rube Warnings: mpreg Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Italian Love Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 How Our Choices Define Us Rating: PG How is Harry able to stand the night in a ball gown? Portkeyed Pleasures Rating: PG Rating: R Author: Paperblank Author: literaryspell Nothing If Not Opportunistic* Warnings: underage, incest, threesome, DP, OOC Summary: Harry wants to play a game Challenge fic set down by hijo de muerte. And Another Life Begins*, sequel to One Life Ends* Or was it all a dream? Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Blaise, Harry/Draco, implied Draco/Blaise They land in New York only devastation hits again they have to deal with their new life. Author: sablesilverrain Warnings: fluff Author: la femme Warnings: mpreg, underage, character death Summary: Harry is serving detention with Snape. So the whole family sits on the floor. Warnings: AU, OOC, forced marriage You should know better than that with an escaped Death Eater in the house. Summary: The Potters had a set of twins. Author: DemonFawn Summary: Draco gets engaged and there is a party, but really Lucius is just worried with where he and Harry stand. Summary: Lucius and Harry are bondmates. Rating: R Summary:Harry is given the chance to end the war as long as he agrees to an unknown favour from Lucius and Severus. Can Lucius and Harry save the day? The Kings Bride Summary: Harry reminds Lucius that he is still Harrys man. Slashcity | Czech translation | Chinese translation | Russian translation. Summary:Post war: Voldemort wins but keeps Harry alive, Lucius is still the same evil bastard hes always been. Author: leontinabowie Summary: No strings. Author: elfflame Author: leni_jess Rating: M Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg Warnings: OOC Author: Atropa/a_belladonna Author: angel_writer1 Author: keikokin Summary: Harry is just a quick shag for Lucius, but is that all Lucius is to Harry? Author: unbroken_halo Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, torture Rating: NC-17 Vampires and vengeance. Author: amanuensis Perfection Author: Lomonaaeren Summary: Lucius Malfoy is saved from the Dementors Kiss by Harry Potter. Warnings: non con, darkfic Summary: Was he seriously willingly entering the Malfoy Manor with Lucius himself? Summary: A pleasant day out for Harry and Draco goes wrong when Lucius takes an interest in Harry. Rating: PG Want Author: Skye Author: SlytherinHawkins105 Warnings: polyamory Warnings: BDSM, dark!Harry Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 See what happens. Pity that didnt help them at all in deciding how to get out of it. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Vernon, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Given Up to Sun Rating: NC-17 Author: CloudLover1984 Rating: M Unexpected Encounter Rating: R Summary: Harry wants to take revenge on Sirius death using Lucius help. Lucius thinks Harry ought to spend more time with him. The Birthday Boy Author: amanuensis Author: Cal_Kemist2121 Author:dudugodudugo Rating: R Author: purple_mangosteen Fancy Time with the Beautiful People? Spitting Image Author: homeskull bob Summary:Isnt it strange? Rating: NC-17 Author: corruptfiction Lucius has a brothel. Warnings: non con Warnings: au, underage, character death Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Author: Lomonaaeren Rating: PG-13 Summary: Harry likes to play mind games with people, the more dangerous the better. Rating: NC-17 Author: amanuensis Summary: Harry Potter cant escape his ancestry, or the consequences of coming back from the dead. Summary:As some sick birthday gift, Tom hands Harry a book that changes his life for the better of everyone. AO3 | DW | FFN A Costume Drama Rating: R Victory Without Battle Author: LinW Rating: PG-13 Inspired by the song Trouble by Coldplay. Author: Stardind Physical Ass-ociations* Warnings: non con, kinks Author: Twisted Savior Author:ExcentrykeMuse Now they deal with more. Rating: R Rating: T Summary:Harry is abducted from Privet drive by a presumed dead Remus. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Lucius/Narcissa Tea With The King Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry had been missing for 4 months since the end of the war. Author: Morgan Says Warnings: non con, violence, underage, threesome, body modification, forced pregnancy Private Proposition Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Snape Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry is fed up with the abuse at the Dursleys so he escapes only to be found and taken in by the most unlikely family. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Muggle AU. Rating: NC-17 Je teba kad den pinet obti, aby si usnadnil vlastn existenci. Warnings: darkfic, dub con, crossdressing, Snape!centric Reflections Warnings:mpreg, child abuse, threesome Vanilla and Cinnamon Author: Hijja Summary:Harry has used an unforgivable. Author: Maeglin Yedi School Daze Rating: PG The Escritoire, part 3 of the Obedience and Instruction series Fait Accompli, sequel to Droit Du Seigneur Secret Santa Burn In Hell Harry discovers in an unusual way that Lucius is a veela and he is his mate. Warnings: implied non con, dubcon, enslavement Warnings: OOC Something More* Golfing Green Summary: Lucius picks up a young orphaned Harry off the streets while in Diagon Alley and takes him home as his new boy.. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Private, Lucius is still Harrys man Harry and Lucius chase each others darkness away Lucius chase each others away! Demented harry is married to lucius fanfiction twisted take on Sleeping Beauty Harry Potter cant escape his ancestry, or the consequences of coming from!, try it again Malfoy household at Christmas for offended sensibilities at Christmas heal you Tom... Think they said thank you R I Do not endorse any specific themes below... Pleasant day out for Harry and Lucius chase each others darkness away PG. A pleasant day out for Harry and Draco goes wrong when Lucius takes interest. Beauty Harry Potter cant escape his ancestry, or the consequences of coming back from the Kiss! 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