(1756) 2Optimum load characteristic is the key to design a pulsating flow hydraulic system. (601) There are shareholders of CNPC, said the flow production. (1910) Use smooth, uninterrupted presswork digitize working flow is advisability to lift. like. you should talk to her. (530) Further funds flow from the Kaleidoscope programme. (634) The flow of energy between them, though, was open and warm. (466) Do something about the flow of blood from the wound. (1668) The machine is fitted with a computerised management system to control stock flow. (1532) At the stage of crack stability, the groundwater is approximately laminar flow. (992) I don't write poems and put them to music. (1663) Adenosine helps regulate the delicate balance between blood flow and urine output. (428) But dont despair, stay calm and go with the flow. (1350) The direction of heat flow affected the phonon transmission coefficient. (509) Heat would naturally flow in the opposite direction. (782) Effect of absorbent flow rate on CO2 absorption is unobvious. (1091) This had been washed down by the heavy flow and added to the blockage . (1813) The flow within him felt so good after the control he normally exerted to rein it in. (1111) The flow velocity is the velocity at which a leaf in the flow travels. (853) That department of transportation regulates the flow of traffic. (989) Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. (493) Glue to an invocation to add a data flow to a diagram. (2057) The valve that controls blood flow between the left ventricle of the heart and the aorta. (301) Who created a problem with the flow of time? (1289) This study is a reference in understanding fluid flow mechanism infract (1290) 1The ionized particles then flow past a set of closely spaced metal plates. air collocations 2) The condition is counterproductive to air flow . (1492) How the model will work Funds will flow through primary care to secondary care. (1666) This increases the blood flow and works wonders for varicose veins and chilblains. (1455) Poly relatively high real estate liabilities, cash flow is not too idealistic. (1344) Rose stemmed the flow, encouraged the ebb, and he allowed it to be that way. (964) Plug the flow regulator into the wall and attach the nebulizer. (1843) Clearly, the government has not reckoned with the Internet and transborder data flow. (971) (1) Uneven cash flow proved to be a major headache for the company. (1694) Subsurface Flow is the flow of water underground, in the vadose zone and aquifers. We are keeping our head above water, but our cash flow position is not too good. (790) Unlike other lymphoid tissue , red blood cells flow through it. (1607) So the influence sand trap on the flow velocity can be ignored in the flow field. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. (1587) Negative emotions produce blockages in the energy flow, which results in illness. (379) We are not generating enough cash flow right now. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on. (1879) The activities or thoughts that bring on a state of flow are different for each of us. Please, follow the link placed under each quote to get to the original website. (1680) 1One function of an in vehicle traffic flow guidance system is route optimization. (1882) So his teachings are not simply divinely inspired but flow from his human experience. (619) Adds a compartmentalized entity to your data flow diagram. (1918) The backward flow of blood through the valve is called mitral valve regurgitation. (1173) This constant cycle of indoor air flow and lowering the temperature. It's difficult to see flow number in a sentence . (1054) The pulmonary circulation is a system with high flow and low pressure. Running low on food he turned back. (377) The swamp will flow with ogre blood this day! (416) Tilt glass carefully. (1985) Critical Care Division for the 100 000 laminar flow clean room, opening up beds 11. (1413) The flow in the Ilam Stream has tended to become very sluggish in dry seasons. (1814) She exhaled, letting a bit of the tension flow out of her, and gave me a rueful grin. (1121) General election is to at air flow air compressor and air pressure. (677) It largely finances operations using its internal cash flow. (457) She has an excellent 'ear' for the flow of sentences. (1601) 1Bournes are a particular case with a seasonal flow depending on winter rainfall. (1685) The flow of air on the surface of modern aircraft and missiles may be laminar. Search phrases with a word or a set of words, find usages in context, see (1931) To the production function , the flow capital is more effective than constant capital. (1642) In the rapid-fire flow of conversational speech , words are not fully articulated. (498) How much would I need, and what flow rate is suitable? (1483) In fact, they nourish and communicate with neurons and help control blood flow. (1951) A numerical study was performed for incompressible laminar pulsating flow in a channel. (479) A new design method for flow totalizer is introduced. (1761) 1Lop Nur atomic energy base current situation, observes that tears flow plentifully. (320) The company is trying to enhance its cash flow. air flow example sentences 4) The air flow speed below the wing is slower. (1284) The control section of spillway is the key section to curb the water flow. (2040) Both rivers flow in the general southern direction and are tributaries of the Yangtze. (304) 1 Many benefits will flow from this discovery. (474) Solutions should not be allowed to flow a tourniquet. (701) It largely finances operations using its internal cash flow. (1920) A ferromagnet can even affect the flow of a current in a nearby nonmagnetic metal. (709) but when you have instead games like flow, there's no doubt. Sentences build language, and give it personality. (1142) Its horrible for concentration, flow, and any semblance of efficiency. (1555) The scale of the landslide-debris flow was small, but the disserve was grievous. (421) That's called the circular flow of the economy. (602) Springs of living water shall flow from the holy ground. (2045) Because then the benefits of our ideas and knowledge would flow just to our relatives. This is by far the easiest model of information flow to control. Just getting back in the flow of things. (1695) There is a channel in the middle of the old street to help rain - water flow away. (1888) The flow of the movement of change will be impeded wherever healing has not occurred. (487) we have to coordinate the flow but with the diversity. (786) Five rivers, the Panj Aab, that didn't flow through his veins. (1988) Both rivers flow in the general southern direction and are tributaries of the Yangtze. (484) As he sprinkles, he delivers a flow of incantations . (1250) 1Could you suggest a medium which would help the oil paint to flow better? (1226) However, there were a few things that pulled me out of my reading flow. (1034) 1, Suspended floors to allow air flow and prevent radon build-up. (1912) Now he had made it bleed again, a steady flow of drops falling on to his trousers. (2066) And while the rupees flow freely in Mumbai, I was able to keep my spending under control. (1582) Current can only flow from the anode to the cathode, but not the other direction. (894) Efficient, low-noise level, Multipurpose flow and static pressure. Lot of example sentences with the word flow. (1297) so he's changing the flow of the water, but it's just a boring green line. The cylinder head has been carefully machined to increase air-flow. (1772) The configuration of flow cryostat and its mechanical damping system were described. (2068) Just over the aisle it's the seaside, complete with botanist, David Bellamy in full flow. (mah-reee gah john oh sah-soht-tah) When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "flow"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "flow" through sentence examples. (2082) Instead of couplets the information is presented in the form of a pictorial flow diagram. (1225) Efficient, low - noise level , Multipurpose flow and static pressure. (1222) Both types of water and a brackish mixture can ebb and flow together. (1929) The periodicity disappears when the mass flux is larger, and the flow is more chaotic. (1886) To the production function, the flow capital is more effective than constant capital. (1743) It's a dendritic drainage pattern that can be formed only by the flow of liquids. (1426) Continuous flow chemistry is valuable for improving product quality and yield. (2037) Obviously if you have a very large project you would never do a flow chart manually. (1089) And worse[MakeSentenceWith.com], it choked off the free flow of ideas. I'm just actors, always in someone else's story, his tears, 5. (401) Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow. (622) We expect a rise in both our production and our cash flow. (351) The flow rate of the river is lower than normal. Food directors and managers are responsible for the safety of the food at every step in this flow. And the waters flow to music Like a tune with pleasant words. (1741) Unlike a stream function a velocity potential can exist in threedimensional flow. (789) Our libertarian tendency supports the free flow of information. (1938) 1. (2129) "flow" meaning in english, "flow" definitions. (714) You must use a wide pipe to ensure an adequate flow of water. (1715) Axial flow type . (200) I found the descriptions to flow nicely. (616) He was at the mercy of the ebb and flow of public opinion. (1665) Now he had made it bleed again, a steady flow of drops falling on to his trousers. (2038) Measurement of ocular blood flow by scanning laser ophthalmoscope video angiography. (1719) The equation N-S for stationary non-compressible flow is simplified and calculated. (621) The energy flow through the faces at, and is respectively. (347) Mass air flow sensor; maf; sensor factory; . (658) 1. (1520) With a heart attack, a blockage causes the flow of blood into the heart to stop. (1080) In this movie here, you can see how they flow one by one discretely. 46 26 The few supplies she had would barely last the night, especially since the flow was unusually heavy. (1457) This is the reason that our rolling pumps feature space saving and high flow . (1429) For flow studies and troubleshooting use the built-in 50,00point Data Logger . (1574) They tried to stop the flow of debris before it destroyed the fish in the river. (488) here's where i tap into the flow and redeem my honor! (250) I go with the flow but I write against it. (1090) If peace flows like a river, may it flow into the ocean of our souls. (799) The plot didn't flow smoothly and was hard at times to follow. (924) The design has been applied effectively in a steam flow totalizer. (269) This Salutation is shown as a complete flow. (1304) Then give the design flow of Trusting Modeling based on data flow analysis. (1660) you'll want to increase the oxygen flow 10 percent every hour till he acclimates. (932) He drew her into his body, reveling in the flow of her cool energy. 0 5 Improved circulation (improved blood Flow). (685) Unchallenged wisdoms flow swiftly among the middle classes. Even with all the trims, the music seemed to, Much pleasure, then from thee much more must, we have major problems in disrupted ecosystem, we must overturn everything and create a new, He is an easy going person, but goes with the, The steamboat could sail upriver, against the, But dont despair, stay calm and go with the, It's bracing to hear Hodgson in full splenetic, keep your elbows up, you'll get into a better, Don't stress, don't agonize just go with the, 1The steamboat could sail upriver, against the, Flow that is not turbulent is called laminar, But what Mike told you yesterday -- during, He is an easy going person , but goes with the, Have traced the fount whence streams of nectar, a year later orange and white is maximum blood, The immigrants entered the country in a steady, The voices call us back to the rippling water's, Thus, NLF-wing is a better natural laminar, 2Thus, NLF-wing is a better natural laminar, It is also difficult to process the complex data, How does such late at night tear have not to, Organisms are resilient patterns in a turbulent, A hand-operate switch is used to regulate the gas, you can model this as something called poiseuille, he's having fun, he's in the groove, he's in the, It is difficult to actually stand up against the, It is from closed minds that so many social evils, You change its environment, and the object will, Small traders often have short-term cash-, Is there a current cardholder data process, The pipe seems to be plugged up and the water, The post office is the anchor and provides the foot, The sauce gushed forth in a forceful, uninterrupted, For the hydraulic system to prevent reverse, Responsible for plant layout and production, get half of their drinking water from that melting, The doctor was finally able to stanch the, The treatment is maintenance of a high urinary, The sty is blocked, and the injection can't, Apneic asphyxiation of min yielded CA with no, The opposite scenario would result in positive money, All that money, roads not fixed, and traffic, One measure of malignancy is aneuploidy by, Consider BCS pairing in the frame co-moving with the, Adds a compartmentalized entity to your data, We expect a rise in both our production and our cash, He's having fun, he's in the groove, he's in the, What direction does the canal north of Bitter lakes, He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to dam the, the state attempts to modulate private business's cash, 2The farmers dug ditches in the rain to lead away the, A drug or an agent that induces or hastens menstrual, On this befouled background visions began to, In his clear, dreamy voice, words and melodies, There is a block in the pipe and the water can't, The smell of delicious pizza flavor, I slobber to, I tried a USB AC adapter but too slow of speed/, What direction does the current in the coastal area, It works only in the veins, where the blood, The underground cavern was formed where water used to, The exciter could select loudhailer or gas, It is rumored that they have got serious cash-, It is widely used as an indicator of international aid, The rivers of Albania are characterized by a high, It largely finances operations using its internal cash, Marginal crevasses are usually largely transverse to, Filter trap cleaned regularly to pvent over, Conducted ongoing cash management and cash, With no one looking on, she allowed the tears to, They would not have had to worry about the river, You must use a wide pipe to ensure an adequate, There is a block in the pipe and the water can not, What do you do when you have this sort of disrupted, Human migration tends to accelerate this type of what, 1, Squeeze the tube of sealant slowly to obtain an even, No Venturi was required to potentially strangle the air, This is doubly true of its patterns of industrial waste, pulses or vibrations of a single and eternal, The pipe seems to be plugged up and the water can't, while retaining the name and maintaining cash, and it forms little rivers of water on the, women are at their best especially when they go with the, Read a thousand books, and your words will, There are various analyses that qualify as data, The current structure does not facilitate efficient work, I tied a towel round his leg to try to stem the, 1No Venturi was required to potentially strangle the air, Thus , NLF - 1 wing is a better natural laminar, The farmers dug ditches in the rain to lead away the, What wills to grow, will grow.